{{ price(itemPrices[licenseId]['promo_price']) }}
{{ price(itemPrices[licenseId]['price']) }}
{{ __('Free') }}

Inactive Logout Pro

Ends in

Key Benefits & Features
With PRO bundle comes additional features and benefits to more secure browsing.
Auto browser close logout
When you close your browser tab without even logging out of the WordPress site. Inactive Logout Pro will logout the user automatically after 2 minutes of tab close duration.
Override Multiple Login priority
Choose if you don't want concurrent users logging into the same account from different places. In pro version user which tries to login in latter time would be shown the message. If you think your account is compromised you can hijack the session via admin email activation link.
Individual user functionality override
Override inactive features for different users. Disable redirect or set different timeouts for different user levels. Not only by roles but by actual users separately. ( Coming Soon in development )
Disable on Selective Pages
This functionality allows you to disable inactive logout on certain pages.

Demo Link : https://www.codemanas.com/downloads/inactive-logout-pro/

Summary from Demo
A subscription license entitles you to 1 year of updates and support. Each installation of the plugin will require a license key.
Please read our refund policy before purchasing.
Before you purchase Inactive Logout Pro: version of the plugin is required in order for this plugin to work. Download free from wordpress.org Inactive Logout Pro is an extension of Inactive Logout plugin which allows browser close auto logout and many other additional features.
With PRO bundle comes additional features and benefits to more secure browsing.
When you close your browser tab without even logging out of the WordPress site. Inactive Logout Pro will logout the user automatically after 2 minutes of tab close duration.
Choose if you don't want concurrent users logging into the same account from different places. In pro version user which tries to login in latter time would be shown the message. If you think your account is compromised you can hijack the session via admin email activation link.
This functionality allows you to disable inactive logout on certain pages.
Few steps to note after install:
Add above to your functions.php file in your theme and change “https://your-custom-url.com” to where you want the redirection to happen.
Add above to your functions.php file in your theme and change “https://your-custom-url.com” to where you want the redirection to happen.
2021.10.04 – version 1.1.15 * Fixed: Datable issue for not relatable pages.
2021.09.29 – version 1.1.14 * Changed: User tracker is now always accessible. * Added: Ability to filter username email role etc in user tracker page. * Added: Search filter in user tracker page. * Added: Ability to modify list size in user tracker page.
2021.02.01 – version 1.1.13 * Fixed: User Login tracker page date issue.
2021.01.29 – version 1.1.12 * Added: User tracker feature if concurrent login feature is enabled. * Fixed: Multisite license issue
2020.12.22 – version 1.1.10/1.1.11 * Fixed: Auto browser logout issues license error when used with multisite.
2020.12.21 – version 1.1.9 * Fixed: Multisite issue – Auto browser logout not working due to restriction in ajax call.
2020.12.04 – version 1.1.8 * Fixed: Multi-site support issue. Addon not working because condition check was not validated when multisite functionality was active. * Changes: Major bug fixes
2020.11.23 – version 1.1.7 * Added: Option to disable concurrent login limit and only allow concurrent login where old session will be logged out when a new session is logged in.
2020.11.23 – version 1.1.6 * Added: Filters to change title of site for request received page. * Added: Filters for changing body contents of the received page.
2020.11.12 – version 1.1.5 * Fixed: Ajax login shows password reset form if concurrent login has reached. * Bug Fix: Only enqueue script if user is logged in. * Removed: ina_addon_user_locked_on_ajax_login action hook * Added: ina_addon_user_before_lock_msg for redirect usage etc.
2020.11.10 – version 1.1.4 * Added: Destroy session for all other sessions except for logged in user btn in settings page. * Fixed: Concurrent Login not working when defined 1 * Added: Ajax login for frontend hook to be customizable. Filter hook ina_addon_user_locked_if_using_ajax and action: ina_addon_user_locked_on_ajax_login which will allow user to customize message if the login is ajax based.
2020.08.31 – version 1.1.3 Fixed: Issue with Concurrent logins when \”Concurrent User Limit\” field is defined greater than 2. Changed: Static resource cache friendly.
2020.06.04 – version 1.1.2 Fixed: Issue with concurrent logins and browser logout
2020.02.27 – version 1.1.1 Fixed: array_key_exists() function warning when saved multi-role settings.
2020.02.26 – version 1.1.0 Added: Added Browser close disable feature for all roles in user role tab Fixed: Minor Bug fixes Updated: Text Strings for Browser Logout Description Added: Filter hook \”ina_redirect_unblock_session\”
for redirection on unblock session. Redirection will happen to defined url. Added: Filter hook \”ina_addon_user_locked_title\” for blocked user page title change option.
2020.02.19 – version 1.0.7 * Fix: Login redirection loop to user not being logged out when used with s2membership plugin due to wp_login hook priority reported by @Bo Koue Callesen ( A big thank you! )
2020.01.24 – version 1.0.6 * Fix: License field was not showing because the default value of status was \”invalid\” instead of false by Pasco. * Fix: Save and activate button was missing because of conditional check for \”license\” reported by Pasco.
2020.01.06 – version 1.0.5 * Added: Disable Inactive logout for Certain Pages * Fixed: Activation Page * Fixed: Minor bugs and errors * Updated: Localization Strings
2019.11.04 – version 1.0.4 * Fixed: $this->version returning notice error becuase this was removed in previous version. * Added: Compatibility to \”User Switching\” plugin allowing you to switch without being logged out. * Localization strings added
2019.11.04 – version 1.0.3 * Fixed: Plugin automatic updates * Bug Fixes: Minor fixes
2019.10.22 – version 1.0.2 * Fixed: Role based browser close logout issue * Bug Fixes: Minor fixes * Added: Korean translation
2019.10.14 – version 1.0.1 * Added: Translation ready plugin. * Added: Few translation strings
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Item details
Version 1.1.13
Category WordPress Plugins
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