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Summary from Demo
League Table is a versatile WordPress plugin that allows you to create beautiful sortable and responsive tables inside your posts pages custom post types or widget area.
So many WordPress users are using this plugin because:
It’s easy to use and you will be able to create a perfect table without even reading the manual check out this video to see how you can create a table in about 30 seconds.
With 105 options per table 17 options per cell 13 general options a spreadsheet editor to edit the table data and an advanced multi-columns sorting system you can creatively represent every kind of table. Check out this screenshot to have an idea of the extremely high number of available options.
Some examples of what you will be able to create with this plugin:
With League Table you will not lose time adding table data with a normal CRUD editor the most efficient method to create and edit table data is clearly a spreadsheet editor which in this plugin is implemented with the powerful Handsontable JavaScript library.
The spreadsheet editor available in League Table gives you the ability to:
With an embedded spreasheet editor you don’t even need the usual “Import CSV” feature because by copying and pasting from a spreadsheet software you can easily import the data of any CSV XLS or ODS (and all the other formats supported by your spreadsheet software) file.
With the included sorting system you will be able to sort your tables based on criteria applied to multiple columns enable or disable the ability to manually sort the table for your users optionally generate a column which automatically indicates the position assumed by each row and more.
The included sorting system supports different types of data:
The ability of the sorting system to work with different types of data makes this plugin very versatile just to give you an idea you can use it for:
If you need to create any kind of statistic or if your purpose is to list the best albums of this year the best laptop computers in Amazon the best WordPress Themes available in ThemeForest or the best of whatever you want then you should use League Table!
In the “Style” menu of League Table you have control of the general style of the table here you will find the following options:
With League Table you can use all the best techniques to make your table perfectly responsive:
With the cell properties you can change the style of single table cells add images add links apply a mathematical formula (with the formula you can automatically generate the value of a cell based on the the values of other cells in the same row the available formulas are Sum Minimum Maximum and Average) or add custom HTML and JavaScript code.
This is a list of the available cell properties:
The import and export feature available in League Table allows you to archive your collections of tables as XML files.
This is extremely useful because:
Sortable responsive table with links and images.
Multiple sortable responsive table with images.
Sortable responsive table with links.
Sortable responsive table with no links and no images.
Sortable responsive table with no links and no images.
Sortable responsive table with no links and no images.
The official plugin documentation and the plugin FAQs are available on the League Table Documentation page.
This plugin makes use of the following resources:
Create high-quality charts and graphs with UberChart probably the most advanced WordPress chart plugin ever created.
Improve your internal links structure and get more visits on your WordPress website with the Interlinks Manager plugin.
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Use by you or one client in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Use by you or one client in a single end product which end users can be charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
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