Download WooCommerce Orders & Customers Exporter Easily export all your orders or registered customers filtering results by price date customers products product variations product categories order statuses!
Note: The plugin as WordPress requires a minimum 5.5 PHP version.
LIVE DEMO user: demo
pass: demo
CSV EXPORT MADE EASY WCOE is a fast and powerful tool that lets the shop admins to export orders or registered and guest customers in one step.
POWERFUL FILTERS Have you ever had the needing to export only some orders made by one or a set of customers? Export orders containing some particularly products?
Find and all the customers who have bought during a period or have spent at least a certain amount of money? Export complete customers list?
Now you can!
By WCOE plugin you can export all the shop orders and registered/guest customers filtering result by
- order status
- products and variations
- products categories
- customers
- total amount spent per order (range value: min/max)
- total amount spent per customer (Only if at least one customer has been selected)
SELECT WHICH ORDER INFOS TO EXPORT Shop admin can select which orders infos to export…he can choose between more than 40!
PRODUCT CUSTOM FIELDS EXPORTATION WCOE will optionally export product custom text fields. It has been tested with
WooCommerce Product Add-ons and
WC Fields Factory. Other plugins have not been tested and may not be compatible.
Item custom fields column will contain all custom fields using the following format:
Product1 field label1: custom field1 value Product1 field label2: custom field value2 | Product2 field label1: custom field1 value Product2 field label2: custom field value2
See the above example file link for detailed info.
ORDER AND CHECKOUT CUSTOM FIELDS EXPORTATION WCOE will optionally export order and checkout custom fields added using the
WooCommerce Custom Fields Product Add-ons Order Delivery Date for WooCommerce and User Extra Fields (User Extra Fields: will be only exported the fields marked to saved as order extra fields).
Checkout custom fields column will contain all custom fields using the following format:
Custom field label1: custom field1 value | Custom field label2: custom field2 value
EXPORTED FILE EXAMPLE Example of generated Orders CSV
Example of generated Customers CSV
CUSTOMERS EXPORTED .CSV IS “WOOCOMMERCE CUSTOMER MANAGER” COMPATIBLE Exported customers .csv file is 100% compatible with WooCommerce Customer Manager plugin. You can import the entire customers list without any problem!
HOW TO IMPORT INTO EXCEL Generated file can be easily imported to excel by following these steps:
Run Excel Import the data using Data -> Import External Data (or Import from Text) -> Import Data Select the csv file type and browse the directory where the .csv file is In the import wizard choose Delimited file type and change the File Origin to 65001 Unicode (UTF-8) (quite at the bottom of the list) Click Next button and change the delimiter to comma (or semicolon depens on which delimiter character you have selected) Click on Finish button Demo Link :
Summary from Demo
Easily export all your orders or registered customers filtering results by price date customers products product variations product categories order statuses! Note: The plugin as WordPress requires a minimum 5.5 PHP version.
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Use by you or one client in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Use by you or one client in a single end product which end users can be charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
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Price is in US dollars and excludes tax
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