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GD bbPress Toolbox Pro

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GD bbPress Toolbox Pro
Enhancing WordPress forums powered by bbPress
Expand bbPress powered forums with attachments upload BBCodes support signatures widgets quotes toolbar menu activity tracking enhanced widgets extra views...
Modules Architecture
Most of the plugin features are split into modules and most of them can be disabled. All modules can be controlled from the Modules admin page
WordPress Dashboard
The plugin adds two widgets into the WordPress main dashboard. One widget lists the latest topics and replies and the other widget shows online users stats.
Close Old Topics
With easy to use a tool the plugin allows you to close old topics for new replies based on different criteria with an optional number of days in the past to check.
Extra Topic Views
The plugin can register more than 15 additional topic views. Topic views can filter topics by predefined criteria and make it easier to find content.
TinyMCE Editor
Replace default topic/reply editor with rich text TinyMCE editor. The plugin has settings related to the editor and option to expand allowed HTML tags.
Notifications Override
The plugin allows you to modify content for bbPress notifications and it also adds a few more notifications. Control notification sender data.
Extra Widgets
The plugin adds several new widgets for showing topic views filtered topics and replies statistics online users overview current user and more.
Forums Statistics
Add two blocks with useful information on the forums main page including various statistical information users online status and activity and more.
Various Tweaks
The plugin includes more than 30 tweaks for various bbPress features related to topics replies forums revisions advanced settings and much more.

The plugin features a powerful module for handling attachments for topics and replies. All attachments are uploaded to the WordPress Media Library.

Demo Link : https://plugins.dev4press.com/gd-bbpress-toolbox/

Summary from Demo
Enhancing WordPress forums powered by bbPress
Expand bbPress powered forums with attachments upload BBCodes support signatures widgets quotes toolbar menu activity tracking enhanced widgets extra views...
GD bbPress Toolbox Pro is a feature-packed plugin for expanding bbPress powered forums with many new forum specific features.
A very useful starting point to get some basic information about the forum review the content reported posts users and given and received thanks.
Get the information about major plugin version full versions changelog information about the plugin and other Dev4Press plugins for WordPress.
Quickly configure the most important plugin options to get started using the plugin. The wizard includes several panels for setting up modules and more.
The core of the plugin are Features. Most of the plugin features can be enabled or disabled or controlled from the Features admin page.
The plugin adds two widgets into the WordPress main dashboard. One widget lists the latest topics and replies and the other widget shows online users’ stats.
The plugin adds several new widgets for showing topic views filtered topics and replies statistics online users overview current user and more.
The core of GD bbPress Toolbox Pro are Features with the aim of easier set up and control. In the latest version of the plugin there are 48 Features included via Features panel. Each feature can be disabled (7 features are always enabled) and you can use only what you need. Each feature has own settings panel and they can have huge number of available options to better control the feature.
Here is the list of all the Features plugins currently has. 48 Features are on the Features panel and some additional features are available via Settings panel.
The plugin features a powerful module for handling attachments for topics and replies. All attachments are uploaded to the WordPress Media Library.
Upload attachments with enhanced upload fields using previews validation of files and an easy way to set file caption or insert the file into the content.
Control how the files are displayed including thumbnail view for images with configurable thumbnail size use of icons for different file types.
Include a wide range of options: limit allowed file types (and add new file types) file size and the number of files. With options for individual forums.
The plugin allows you to select the MIME type (file types) allowed for upload. And if you need custom file types the plugin allows you to add your own types.
To get finer control for individual forums the plugin has a metabox for each forum where you can override some of the attachments settings.
On the admin side the plugin adds two panels: a list of uploaded attachments (with various filters and controls) and a list of upload errors.
If you have more than one file attached to the topic or reply bulk download is an easy method to download all files at once.
The plugin offers an admin side panel with a list of all attached files with additional information and controls.
For each topic and reply on the admin side you have easy-to-use metabox. You can attach more files from there too.
GD bbPress Toolbox Pro can track the online status of each user activity in topics and can help users find new content on the return visit.
The plugin can track each user last activity time and set cookies to help with tracking and for tracking of the current visiting session.
The plugin can track how many users and visitors are online. This information can be used in the widget forum statistics and user statistics block.
Track when each user has visited each topic. On the return visit it can calculate new topics new replies in read topics and unread topics.
The plugin implements 40+ BBCodes (as shortcodes) with simple BBCodes Toolbar for the topic/reply editor.
The plugin includes 40+ BBCodes ranging from simple tags for bold italic alignment colours to more complex BBCodes for images videos and more.
If you post source code to your forum topics and replies it is very useful to use syntax highlight to make your code properly displayed.
Hide textual content inside the topic or reply and show it when predefine terms are fulfilled. Or hide content that will be displayed on mouse hover.
BBCodes to display images and videos (Youtube and Vimeo). It also includes support for FitVid script to auto resizes videos for responsive layouts.
Simple toolbar for adding BBCodes into the content or wrapping selected content into the BBCode. Support different sized icons and more.
Panel on the admin side you can see all available BBCodes with the list of possible methods to format and use each BBCode.
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To get help for this plugin start with FAQ and the Knowledge Base.
If you need help with the plugin or to report problems use support forums.
Do you have doubts about whether this plugin is right for you? Test it first.
Plugin's basic language is English. The plugin is translation ready with empty POT file with all the string included in the plugin directory.
The plugin also includes full or partial translations for:Dansk (Danish) Deutsch (German) Deutsch Schweiz (German Switzerland) Español (Spanish Spain) Español de Argentina (Spanish Argentina) Español de México (Spanish Mexico) Français (French) Français de Belgique (French Belgium) Français du Canada (French Canada) Italiano (Italian) (Japanese) Nederlands (Dutch) Polski (Polish) Português (Portuguese Portugal) Português do Brasil (Portuguese Brazil) Русский (Russian) Српски (Serbian) Svenska (Swedish).
It is possible that plugin has some minor spelling issues mistypes words and other issues. Please report any problems you find and they will be fixed and POT file updated when needed.
You can join the translations project for this plugin and help with translating it to your native language. You can read more about it here: Plugin Translations.
Front End: Yes Admin Side: Yes
Web accessibility is increasingly important factor in web development and with the accessibility support you are making sure that people with disablities are able to use your website. Developing for accessibility is one of the priorities on Dev4Press and we are using WCAG guidelines and approved tools to test our plugins and improve accessibility for on both admin side and the front end (for plugins with front end controlls and features).
Keep in mind that there still might be some accessibility issue with the plugin and if you find any please report them via support forum and such report will be given highest priority and issue will be fixed as soon as possible.
All Dev4Press premium plugins have a set of easy-to-use tools to export all plugin settings into files with JSON serialization. And you can export settings from that file. This way you can keep your settings safe or transfer settings from one website to another.
All our plugins are compatible with all popular internet browsers. This includes Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Apple Safari Opera Microsoft Edge all tested across different operating systems and desktop and mobile devices.
All Dev4Press premium plugins are constantly developed and will receive regular updates to fix reported bugs fix any security issues enhance and improve every aspect of plugins. And using our Updater plugin you can update directly from WordPress.
All Dev4Press free and lite plugins have a WordPress standard PO/MO translation system implemented making it easy to translate into any language. Depending on the plugin translations can be split into two or more files for easier translations handling.
One of our primary goals is to provide the best support possible. This includes an active support forum priority support (for Agency license) and an ever-expanding knowledge base and FAQ to ensure that you get all the information you need for our plugins.
All Dev4Press premium plugins are coded using best coding practices with code tested for all potential security problems. We are constantly working on maintaining full WordPress compatibility and the highest level of security for all our products.
Proactive protection and security hardening
The knowledge base plugin you have been waiting for
Quick and Bulk editing for bbPress powered forums
Members Directory for bbPress powered forums
bbPress Club Membership license gives access to all Dev4Press premium plugins for bbPress. While the license remains active it will include all future Dev4Press premium plugins for bbPress too.
Rating Club Membership license gives you access to the GD Rating System Pro plugin and all the free and premium addons for this plugin and all future addons while the license is active.
Dev4Press Plugins Club Membership license gives access to all Dev4Press premium plugins and addons for bbPress and WordPress and all future plugins while the license is active.

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Version 6.4.4
Category WordPress Plugins
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