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Summary from Demo
Let your users manage everything from Frontend!
Effortlessly build Registration Forms Profiles WooCommerce Products Subscriptions & Contact Forms with Custom Post Types support.
Easily create amazing directory & membership sites event registration forms allow guest posting and much more using the All-In-One WP User Frontend Pro.
Allow guest posting and content submission. Earn with subscription packs and coupons.
Create easy event registration forms. Let users post directly from Frontend.
Turn your WordPress blog into a membership site. Enable community socialization.
Restrict content menu by user roles. Edit content availability subscription pack-wise.
WP User Frontend is packed with features that completes all of your Frontend needs.
Create forms allow users to post anything from frontend. Insert forms into pages using shortcodes.
Create registration forms and profiles easily with templates and assorted fields to customize forms.
A quick way of creating pre-defined forms with a single click. Drag & drop customization is available as well.
Earn from subscription based posting on your site and pay people with built-in gateways.
You can restrict content for your premium users only with just a shortcode.
With just a simple shortcode give your registered users an individual dashboard of their own.
The most vital and powerful feature of WP User Frontend. Get everything to let your users manage and work from the frontend.
Design with an intuitive UI with a drag & drop form builder to get your frontend needs made ready quickly!
Build exclusive submission forms as you can use custom post types and custom taxonomies in reference to each other.
Using our 25+ custom field types you can build a form for anything.
Allow your guests to post from the frontend with full capabilities.
Registration and profiles can range from basic to very diverse which can make form creation a hassle. With our templates and generous types of supported fields WP User Frontend becomes your trustworthy tool to get you on top with the task.
Get all required fields to build a complete registration form with only one click. Drag and drop to build the form.
With a shortcode users can update their profiles from the frontend. All profile builder forms can be assigned to WordPress user roles.
Registered users get an account page from where they can access all his/her posts payments comments etc.
Register hundreds of users onto your site and use their profile fields to build a database of your requirement.
Subscriptions are a great way to manage submissions on any type of professional site like listing advertisement product or even high traffic blog.
Charge users in multiple ways. Built-in payment gateways and withdraw policies allow hassle free transactions on your site.
Using this subscription type you will be able to earn with every post on your site.
Lock high value submissions and quality contents (or segments) on your pages for your premium users only.
Do you want to build a site where guests can write their own stories? Yes you can!
You can restrict content menu & taxonomies for your premium users only with just a shortcode.
Restrict your premium content based on different user roles that you have on your WordPress site.
If you are running a subscription site easily create and lock content/ pages based on subscription packs.
Lock or hide you websites menu links for certain users based on registration roles & subscription.
With this feature you can restrict users to post on a taxonomy/category based on subscription pack.
With just a simple shortcode give your registered users an individual unified dashboard of their own.
Use simple shortcodes to generate customized individual frontend dashboard for your users.
Frontend my account page is very important when you are restricting access to the backend of your site.
Allow your users to manage their created posts directly from frontend using feature-rich Dashboard.
With the frontend dashboard you give your users a profile editing page from where they can edit their details.
Choose from three different packages that come with special modules (features) to make your site frontend even more powerful.
WP User Frontend Pro is a powerful solution for your frontend needs.
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