Demo Link :
Summary from Demo
Few words about it…
AutoPost is a WordPress plugin that lets you to mass import RSS content from any RSS or Atom feed into your wordpress blog. You can set up an automated blog in minutes and with Google Adsense or any other ad system you can generate huge revenue based on this idea.
At any time you will have fresh content on your blog that making users visiting it again and again.
Find out more about the plugin by visiting the demo and by reading the list of features displayed on this page by viewing the image gallery and by watching the videos.
Main features of the Autopost Plugin
WP 3.0 compatible
Tested and working with the latest version of wordpress
Post Author
Set the post author for each feed
Lifetime Support
Get lifetime access to future updates and support
Custom Fields
Set custom meta fields to be added from custom rss fields
Post Fields
Set main post fields(content title) to be added from custom rss fields
Scheduled Import
Set time interval to import feeds minutes hours days
Total Control
Pause or activate feeds
Number of Posts
Select X number of posts to import from each feed
RSS Support
Comptabile with RSS v0.9 to v1.0 v2.0 and Atom
FTP Support
Define FTPs and parse XML files from there
Custom Taxonomies
Set custom taxomoies for each post
Downlod Images
Automatically download the images and insert them into wordpress media library
Easy Setup
just copy activate and run
Choose Category
Choose the category where to import the rss feed
Easy Manage
Easily manage your feeds add and delete.
Default Status
Set the default post status publish draft or private
Sync Page
synchronize your feeds from the admin side
Image Gallery
[nggallery id=3]
Controlling the plugin
Here you have a sample video of how easy is to control the autopost’s admin side. The video shows you how to set all the options available to import news and content from your favorite RSS source. You can use the plugin to create affiliate sites.
Latest release: 15 January 2011 Current version: 1.9.1
If you want to work as a wordpress developer and programmer in a great team please apply.
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