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The best way to offer a complete overview on all options available for your products: with one plugin only you can add unlimited variations (be they sizes colours patterns etc.) and show in an immediate and intriguing way all the possibilities for each single product in the shop are there.
YITH WooCommerce Color and Label Variations allows you to replace standard WooCommerce selects with icons custom images and dynamic labels. The plugin is extremely versatile and adapts to any type of product: from clothes (for each item you will certainly need to show sizes and colours available) to jewels (maybe you want to show advanced options such as gemstone form necklace length o ring size if the product is available in different precious metals and so on).
Regardless of what you sell if you show your product options through ad hoc images and icons you help your customer understand immediately as he/she comes into the page which purchase options are available for that product: for example in a few seconds he/she will be able to understand that the T-shirt he/she likes so much is available in his/her size or favorite colour. From that moment to clicking on “Purchase” button is a short step!
All the products in our YITH catalog are developed on the same shared framework. This grants full compatibility among all our plugins and allows combining them together to get even more powerful results and more complete solutions.
We do our best to also include compatibility with the most popular WordPress and WooCommerce plugins available on the market.
You can use this plugin with*:
The combined use of this plugin with YITH WooCommerce Color and Label Variations allows customers to select or edit the product variation when they have already added the product to cart without the need to go back to the product page or shop page.
Thanks to YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup you could enable an automatic popup to notify the user about the updated cart content. Every time a product is added to the cart the popup automatically opens.The integration between these two plugins allows users to choose the variation of the products directly from the modal window.
YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter allows filtering the product list basing on their attributes or price. The filter is applied by Ajax therefore without the need to refresh the page to show the search result.
The combined use of these two plugins allows using colors labels and images configured with YITH Color and Label Variations for your terms when creating filters of Color swatches and Label/Image types.
YITH WooCommerce Compare offers users the chance to compare two or more products in the shop in order to choose the one they really want. This information is shown within a dedicated tab and products can be grouped by category.
By combining both plugins the customer can also compare the single variations in archive pages.
YITH WooCommerce Wishlist is a plugin that allows your customers to arrange the products they are interested in one or more wish lists. This process allows them to check these products back again at a later moment and eventually proceed to purchase them.
Thanks to the integration between the plugins it will be possible to select and add a product variation configurated with YITH WooCommerce Color and label Variations straight from the wishlist.
* All the plugins listed in this section are not included in YITH WooCommerce Color and Label Variations. In order to take advantage of a specific integration you need to purchase and activate the premium version of the related plugin.
Are you a customer? Submit your review
Liset Campos Guevara - verified owner October 22 2021
We love the way we can present now all our variations to our customers. Big big PLUS the integration with Yith Ajax Product filter it is just perfection!
Elisa Pizarro - verified owner September 17 2021
Me gusta definitivamente un plus para la experiencia del usuario. Sería bueno que nos den más posibilidades de personalización para la vista de la tienda.
Alfred Moore - verified owner August 1 2021
The perfect adjustment!We are finally able to import variations galleries we've asked for it and the team listened. Is so satisfing to feel a company does care about you and your needs
Vicente Vallejo - verified owner June 3 2021
Gracias.Funciona de maravilla en mi sitio y las imágenes se ven genial. un saludo
Martin Cohen - verified owner April 6 2021
Great toolWe've been using it for a while and cannot be happier with color swatches option. A simple and clear vision and has helped a lot our customers to make the right decision
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may write a review.
Yes since the plugin allows you to show the variations of your products in a graphic way (with a coloured box or even with a thumbnail) instead of using a select dropdown and then associate an image to each variation.
The variation swatches in the free version are only visible on the product page. Yet if you use the premium version of the plugin it is possible to show the variation swatches both on the product page and in the Shop page.
All variations are shown even if that specific variation is no longer available. However in the shop page and product page an 'out of stock' label is shown as soon as the variation is selected and can therefore not be purchased. Out of stock behaviour is the WooCommerce default one the plugin doesn't change it in any way. It is possible to hide out-of-stock products and variations from the shop by changing the Out of stock visibility option from WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Inventory.
No it is not possible. You can however grey-out or hide attributes that don't match any valid variation. For example let's suppose I sell t-shirts and these are my existing variations: - Color red size S - Color red size M - Color green size L Once I select color red since size L doesn't match any valid variation it will grey-out. This is valid also if selecting first the size attributes and also with any number of attributes.
No the plugin does not manage the inventory in any way.
The image size is 1 MB however it depends on your installation what size will fit best. If you don’t want to change the style you can use the plugin size 50x50 px.
Yes the plugin supports Ajax loading. If you have more than 30 variations the processing is managed by Ajax and speeds up the time for the uploading.
No this is not possible with the plugin.
You can turn off variations on the product list simply by disabling the option Enable plugin in archive page from YITH Plugins > Color and Label Variations > Settings.
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