Plus Package: Complete and Total Content Control
Advanced Access Manager prides itself on providing website administrators with fine-tuned control and unparalleled flexibility. Plus Package adds a new deeper layer of customization to all the features you already love on the free version.
Plus Package allows you to manage access to posts pages media custom post types categories and taxonomies for any role individual user or visitor. On top of that you can define sitewide default access for everybody that interacts with your site on the frontend backend or API level.
You can spend days searching for the right solution or you can get AAM and find exactly what you need; otherwise your money back guaranteed.
- Manage access to hierarchical taxonomies;
- Manage access to tags;
- Manage access to related posts for any term;
- Manage access to child posts for any hierarchical post type;
- Extend Access Policy with additional resources;
- Define default access to all posts;
- Define default access to all terms;
- Ability to group media into categories;
- Ability to group pages into categories;
- Define wildcard access to your website;
* any post page media or custom post type are collectively called posts
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Summary from Demo
With hundreds of features available for free and even more when you upgrade AAM lets you streamline customize and analyze everything you do on WordPress.
There's only one website like yours. That's why we offer a hassle-free pay-as-you-go upgrade system. Pay for the features you use and that's it.
There's a time and a place for advertising. Lucky for you that place isn't on AAM. Enjoy the features without pop-ups up-sells or banners.
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Whether you're updating a personal blog running a small business or creating a membership platform for a Fortune 500 company AAM has the power reliability and flexibility to help you do it 2021 VasylTech LLC. All rights reserved.