Download WooCommerce Pre-sale Time offer & Expiring System WooCommerce Pres-sales Time offers & Expiring System (WCPS) is a powerful tool that adds to WooCommerce many new features to plan Pre-sales or Time limited offers for all products!
Note: The plugin like WordPress requires a minimum 5.5 PHP version.
LIVE DEMO user: demo
pass: demo
HOW TO AUTOMATICALLY UPDATE THE PLUGIN To receive automatic updates just install and configure the Envato updater plugin: > .The official guide that explains how to configure it can be found in the following link: > .
HOW DOES IT WORK? The idea behind the plugin is to have a tool by which the shop admin can configure special price for items according to a selected period (
NOTE: in case of variable items the plugin allows you to assign presale/time limited offers to the items not to its specific variations). This period could be a pre-sale period in which offer a few amounts of items to a special price or a special offer for a weekend or seasonal offer.
With WCPS plugin you can do all of that. Furthermore you can also limit the offer period not only by
date but also using a
“Goal threshold” value and only to a specific set of user roles!
NOTE: some plugin features like Role restriction Purchase limit -> Item(s) per customer restriction Pre-saler purchase restriction
require the customer to be logged.
END/EXPIRING STRATEGIES WCPS is a very flexible tool that lets the shop admin configure many “end strategies”. By WCPS you can choose to make an item unavailable or switch to its regular price by:
- End date: The item can be turned back to its regular price or made unavailable for purchasing (set as ‘Draft).
- Threshold limit: The item price will turn to its regular price or will be unavailable (set as ‘Draft’) once reached the Goal threshold.
- Threshold limit check only at expiring date: Once the expiring date is reached item price will switch to its regular price/switched. to unavailable (set as ‘Draft’) if the Goal threshold has been reached.
SPECIAL EXPIRING OPTIONS: NOTIFICATION AND VISIBILITY For each product the shop admin can enable the special
email notification option. Thanks to option the admin (or a set of custom email addresses) will be notified when the product will expire.
NOTE: Notification is not an active notification it means that the site has to be visited at least by one user to trigger the expired notification check.
For what concerns expired product visibility by default they are set as draft and then invisible to all. Enabling the special expired product visibility option on the plugin general options page the shop admin can choose to
show expired product in storeeven when they are expired (they are no more set as draft). The plugin will make them unpurchasable.
Furthermore in each product edit page once enabled the special visibility option the admin will be able to set custom shop and product pages message after the product will be expired.
MAKE YOUR PRODUCTS VISIBLE BUT UNPURCHASABLE UNTIL THE PRE-SALE PERIOD HASN’T STARTED Would you like to make your products visible in your store but unpurchasable by your customer until the pre-sale/time offer period hasn’t started? You can! Just enable the special option during the product pre-sale/time period configuration.
USER ROLES RESTRICTION WCPS will allow the shop admin to configure pre-sale /time offer periods only for a specific set of user roles. Non allowed user will not be able to add products to cart or to finalize purchasing (if the product was in the cart before the pre-sale/time offer was configured). Further more is also possible to
completely hide products for non allowed roles!
DEPOSIT AND COUPON DEDUCTION SYSTEM Would you like to let your customers to deposit only a small amount and let them pay after the pre-sale/time offer period? With WCPS now you can do that!
Enabling the “Deposit with coupon deduction” option the system after the checkout is completed (
so just when the order is placed) it will generate
one time usagecoupon codes for every item in the order with that option enabled. Coupons codes are included directly in the “New Order Email” sent to the Customer. The customer can use these codes to buy the items deducting what he already paid.
Coupons are manageable directly in the “WooCommerce” -> “Coupon” Area. On order delete all the associated coupons will be deleted too.
DISPLAY OLD PRICE WITH LINE THROUGH Optionally for each product it is possible to display old price with a line through!
PRODUCT AUTOMATIC PUBLISHING AT START DATE Would you like to plan a pre-sale or time-offer for a ‘Draft’ product? would you like to automatic publish the product once the start date comes? with WCPS you can! you have only to set a starting date and save the product as “Draft” the plugin will automatically publish the product at the selected starting date!
LIMIT PURCHASES PER ORDER PER CUSTOMER AND/OR ONLY FOR WHO BOUGHT DURING PRE-SALE/TIME OFFER PERIOD Another useful feature is the purchase limit option. For each product you can choose to limit purchasable quantities per order or per customer (this second option works only if guest users are disabled).
For the customer limit the plugins remember how many quantities the customer has bought in his past orders denying him to purchase more than the limit you have set.
Optionally you can also enable the “Who bought” restriction that will let to purchase the product only if the customer has already bought it during the pre-sale/time offer period.
CUSTOM MESSAGES CUSTOM ADD TO CART LABEL AND COUNTDOWN TIMERS You can configure to display custom messages in the shop page after every item and/or in the single product page and custom “Add to cart” label. You can also choose to display a countdown timer to start/end date.
NOTE: the plugin uses the change_cart_button_textafter_description_shop_loop_itemand after_description_product_page_item to implement these feature. All the good themes use this actions during shop and single product rendering but could happen that a theme is not using them so my plugin cannot hook to add custom texts and countdowns.
CURRENT SALES PROGRESS BAR Do you want to let your customers to see the sales progress for every item (shop page and product page)? WCPS lets you display a nice visual progress bar with an optional label to display the percentage of current sales on the current goal. Colors fully configurable!
SALE BADGE E SALE PRODUCTS SEARCH The plugin allows you to display the default woocommerce “Sale” badge for each product during its time offer period and if its price is less than its regular price!
You can
customize the badge text using a general text for all pre-sale product or set specific text for each product!
Pre-sale products can also be optionally listed among default WooCommerce sale products (like the ones listed using the
[sale_products] shortcode or widgets). Just enable this option via the plugin options menu!
NOTE: This feature may slow the loading of pages if you experience such performance degradation keep it disabled.
PRODUCTS TABLE – CUSTOM BADGE TEXT On Products table rendered on Emails Cart Checkout and Order details page for each product you can display an additional custom badge text like Product 1 (Pre-sale). This could be useful to distinguish products that are in pre-sale from the normal ones.
FREE SHIPPING During the pre-sale/time period offer period you can set free shipping option for the sales items. Enabling this option the item is temporarily marked as virtual in this way will not be charged extra shipping costs!
ASSIGN SPECIAL ORDER STATUS AFTER CHECKOUT The plugin allows you to assign special status after checkout to the orders containing at least one item in pre-sale/time offer period. Using the plugin options menu select which status to assign to these orders.
NOTE Custom order statuses have to be created (and managed) by 3rd party plugin. WCPS plugin hasn’t any feature to create/manage them.
SHORTCODES WCPS will add some shortcodes to be used in pages/post/WCPS custom messages. You can specify an “id” as a parameter to retrieve info of a specific product. if not specified will be displayed info of the current product. Here the list:
- [wpcs_active]: Is presale active
- [wcps_expiring_date ]: Expiring date
- [wcps_expiring_time]: Expiring time
- [wcps_expiring_datetime]: Expiring datetime
- [wcps_start_date]: Start date
- [wcps_start_time]: Start time
- [wcps_start_datetime]: Start datetime
- [wpcs_get_sales]: Total sale
- [wpcs_goal_threshold]: Goal threshold value
Demo Link :
Summary from Demo
WooCommerce Pres-sales Time offers & Expiring System (WCPS) is a powerful tool that adds to WooCommerce many new features to plan Pre-sales or Time limited offers for all products!
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Use by you or one client in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Use by you or one client in a single end product which end users can be charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
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Price is in US dollars and excludes tax
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