WordPress User Feedback plugin is a great tool to increase the interaction between users and your site.
This plugin empowers users to voice out their opinions to help site admin to improve site content magnificently.
The admin can create / edit / delete / approve / reject feedback. Also easy-to-use feedback features that help users manage their feedback easily.
Additionally statistic widget helps promote the site by highlighting total views total votes and total feedback
Main features:* Increase the interaction between users and your site by feedback and responses
* Allow users to manage their feedback and share permission
* Allow other users can edit the feedback
* Unlimited feedback for users
* Allow guest to post feedback to the site
* Allow Administrators to manage feedback
* Allow Administrators to manage statuses
* Allow Administrators to manage severities
* The Administrators can create / edit / delete / approve / reject feedback
* Allow automatically approve the feedback created by role
* View feedback detail and the response from admin
* Like comment share vote feedback
* Feedback view/images/vote counter
* Widgets: Top Viewed Feedback Most Discussed Feedback Statistic Mot Voted Feedback Categories Feedback Feedback search
* Many configurations in Admin Control Panel: Roles Settings Email etc
* Searching and Sorting Option
* Email notification
* Support BuddyPress group
* Secure feedback under login for each user
* Email editor to customize all emails
* WordPress capabilities and roles integration to limit who can do what
* Custom templates.
* Template type: Plugin or Theme
* Widget support
* Responsive layout
* Cross Browser (IE11+ Chrome Safari Firefox Opera Edge CentBrowser)
* Translation Ready
* Documentation included
DocumentYou can see screen shots of admin in the documentation: DemoYou can create an account to view demo My Feedback :
Username: user1 Password: user1
Demo Link : https://codecanyon.net/item/wordpress-user-feedback/26405778
Summary from Demo
WordPress User Feedback plugin is a great tool to increase the interaction between users and your site.
This plugin empowers users to voice out their opinions to help site admin to improve site content magnificently.
The admin can create / edit / delete / approve / reject feedback. Also easy-to-use feedback features that help users manage their feedback easily.
Additionally statistic widget helps promote the site by highlighting total views total votes and total feedback
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Use by you or one client in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Use by you or one client in a single end product which end users can be charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
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Price is in US dollars and excludes tax
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